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Discussion guides
Q&As with the filmmaker
With Aurelio Fattorusso & Lorenzo Torcello at the Cineteca di Bologna, for the 2019 Cinema Ritrovato Festival (video)
With Shahrzad Mojab, director of the Women and Gender Studies Institute at the University of Toronto and editor of Marxism and Feminism (Zed Books, 2015) and Women, War, Violence and Learning (Routledge, 2015), for the 2019 Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival (video)
With curator Rasha Salti, for The Mosaic Rooms 2020 Sofa Cinema series (audio)
With Sandra Schäfer, editor of Kabul/Tehran 1979ff (metroZones, 2006) and Kabul, Film and Production of Representation (metroZones, 2009), for the 2019 Berlinale world premiere (PDF)
Key references
Parallel timelines, Afghan history and Afghan film history (downloadable PDF)
Afghan history: M. Hasan Kakar, Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982; Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan; Mohammad Yusuf & Mark Adkin, The Bear Trap; Edward Grazda, Afghanistan Diary: 1992-2000; Mariam & Ashraf Ghani, Afghanistan: A Lexicon; Ahmed Rashid, Taliban; Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001.
Other films about Afghan cinema: A Flickering Truth (Pietra Brettkelly, 2015); Nothingwood (Sonia Kronlund, 2017); The Forbidden Reel (Ariel Nasr, 2019)
Texts on Afghan cinema (in English): a great overview by Chibab El Khachab for Ajam Media Collective; various short essays and interviews by Sandra Schäfer, 2006-19; Mariam Ghani, “Filming the Many Afghanistans” for NYRB
Background on the director’s previous work: Art of the MOOC video interview with images and discussion guide, and website with additional documentation
Archive essentials: a 2015 MoMA C-MAP symposium on The Archival Impulse: Collecting and Conserving the Moving Image in Asia (video, director Mariam Ghani featured in panel 3); Ibraaz Platform 6: Archival Dissonances;, “10 Theses on the Archive”
Background on and the Afghan Film digitization project: “To Not Wait for the Archive” in Mousse #34: An Issue About Documenta; documentation of the initial 2012 proof-of-concept workshop at Afghan Film; the 2018 FWD:RE:ARCHIVE 10th Anniversary Workshop; the 2019 Film Heritage Foundation workshop in Hyderabad attended by Afghan Film archivists
Curricular suggestions
Curriculum: State Cinema, Between Art and Propaganda
Suggested Films: Cinema Komunisto (Mila Turjilic); The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Andrei Ujica); From Caligari to Hitler / Hitler’s Hollywood (Rudiger Suchsland); State Funeral (Sergei Loznitsa); De quelques événements sans signification (Mustafa Derkaoui); Our New President (Maxim Pozdorovkin); I Am Cuba: The Siberian Mammoth (Vicente Ferraz), Images of the World and the Inscription of War (Harun Farocki), The Role of a Lifetime (Deimantas Narkevicius)
Suggested Texts: Mariam Ghani, “Filming the Many Afghanistans“; Joes Segal, Art and Politics: Between Purity and Propaganda (or use his TEDx talk on the politics of images); Siegfried Kracauer, From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film; James Baldwin, “The Creative Process”
Curriculum: Histories of the Left
Suggested Films: Naeem Mohaiemen, The Young Man Was… trilogy (United Red Army, Afsan’s Long Day, Last Man in Dhaka Central) and Two Meetings and a Funeral (all available via LUX online); Children of the Revolution (Bettina Röhl and May Shigenobu); The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi, and 27 Years Without Images (Eric Baudelaire); Videograms of a Revolution (Andrei Ujica and Harun Farocki), Unfinished Spaces (Alysa Nahmias & Benjamin Murray); 20 July 2015 (Deimantas Narkevicius); The Refrain (Angela Melitopoulos, Angela Anderson, Aya Hanabusa, Maurizio Lazzarato); Take the Square / Occupy, Resist, Produce and Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies (Oliver Ressler – the latter also available as text transcripts)
Suggested Texts: Mariam & Ashraf Ghani, Afghanistan: A Lexicon; Svetlana Boym, “Nostalgia and Its Discontents”; Naeem Mohaiemen, “All That is Certain Vanishes into Air”; Naeem Mohaiemen, “Guerillas in the Mist”; Slavoj Zizek, In Defense of Lost Causes
Curriculum: History is Fiction, Fiction is History
Suggested Films: Yael Hersonski, A Film Unfinished; Peter Watkins, Evening Land; Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Mieville, Ici et ailleurs; Lamia Joreige, Here and Perhaps Elsewhere; Walid Raad/The Atlas Group, The Dead Weight of a Quarrel Hangs; Akram Zaatari, Letter to a Refusing Pilot; Isaac Julien, Looking for Langston; Joshua Oppenheimer, The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence; Ruth Beckermann, The Waldheim Waltz; Clio Barnard, The Arbor; Jeff Malmberg and Chris Shellen, Spettacolo; Omer Fast, The Casting; Kitty Green, Casting JonBenet; Robert Greene, Bisbee ’17; Candice Breitz, Love Story
Suggested Texts: Jacques Ranciere, “Is History a Form of Fiction?” from The Politics of Aesthetics; Naeem Mohaiemen, “Prisoners of Shothik Itihash”; Ariella Azoulay, Potential History; Jalal Toufic, The Withdrawal of Tradition Past a Surpassing Disaster; Akram Zaatari, Ibraaz interview re: Letter to a Refusing Pilot; Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize lecture on art, truth and politics
Curriculum: Films Maudits
Suggested Films: Symbiopsychotaxiplasm (William Greaves); Burden of Dreams (Les Blank); American Movie (Chris Smith); Lost in La Mancha (Keith Fulton & Louis Pepe); Jodorowsky’s Dune (Frank Pavich); Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno (Serge Bromberg & Ruxana Mendes); Shirkers (Sandi Tan)
Curriculum: The Act of Filming – Reflections on Cinema and Politics (inspired by this series)
Suggested Films: Sullivan’s Travels (Preston Sturges); Ici et ailleurs (Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Pierre Gorin); The Vampires of Poverty (Carlos Mayolo, Luis Ospina); De quelques événements sans signification (Mustafa Derkaoui); Al jaar qabla al daar (CAMP); The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer); This is Not a Film (Jafar Panahi); In The Last Days of the City (Tamer el Said); #MYESCAPE (Elke Sasse); From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf (CAMP); Havarie (Philip Scheffner & Merle Kroger); Spell Reel (Filipa César); Talking About Trees (Suhaib Gasmelbari); Horror in the Andes (Martha Cecilia-Dietrich); Filmfarsi (Ehsan Khoshbakht)
Research leading up to the film
Rush print screening at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, February 2017, with live commentary by filmmakers Mariam Ghani and Alexander Markov, former cultural attaché to the Soviet Embassy in Afghanistan Gennady Afdeev, and journalist Ludmila Afdeeva (video, Russian and English, 2 hrs)
A talk on research for What We Left Unfinished and making art in states of emergency, presented by director Mariam Ghani at the Dhaka Art Summit 2016 Critical Writing Ensembles symposium (video, English, 30 min)
A talk about Afghan cinema with director Mariam Ghani and the great Afghan filmmaker, Eng. Latif Ahmadi, at the Berlinale Forum Expanded in February 2016 (video, English, 1 hour 50 minutes)
Rush print screening at Secession in Vienna, September 2014, with live commentary by former head of espionage for Afghan state security agency KhAD Dr. Zamiruddin Mihanpoor, co-founder of the Afghan Women’s Progressive Union Dr. Parwin Zaher-Mihanpoor, political scientist Abassin Nessar, film programmer Peter Taylor, and director Mariam Ghani (audio, English and Dari, 1.5 hrs, or English PDF **forthcoming**). Bonus: a clip from the screening with live score improvised by musicians from 4 States Sessions.
2013 essay for Creative Time Reports & Foreign Policy, Afghanistan: Parable of the Garden (in English and Dari)
2013 essay for Ibraaz, Field notes for What We Left Unfinished
Other Afghan archival films viewable online
The full Afghan Film collection on
TECH NOTE: For the following clips: view on for English transcript, or click the small wheel in the lower right-hand corner to view transcript as subtitles
The opening sequence of Latif Ahmadi’s film Akhtar-e-Maskara (Akhtar the Joker, 1981), starring Faqir Nabi as Akhtar
A clip from Latif Ahmadi’s film Hamas-e-Eshq (Epic of Love, 1986), featuring Yasamin Yarmal as Pari
A dream sequence from Juwansher Haidary’s film Baba (1989)